A new home instead of repairs In housing disrepair claims, we cannot force your landlord to move you, but we can try
Housing Disrepair: cracks, damp and other issues Our client's property suffered from various issues and her landlord ignored all of them
Housing Disrepair: new legislation for Landlords The Homes (Fitness for Habitation) Act 2018 comes into force on 20 March 2020
Housing Disrepair – damp with holes in the roof Another successful claim brought on behalf of tenants let down by their Landlord
Compensation for disrepair to a flat roof A success for MJV Solicitors in another housing disrepair claim
Compensation for damp and mould We successfully obtained more than £4,500 in damages for a client whose home was blighted by damp
What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’)? The Courts now require most parties to, at least, consider the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution, but what is it?
Serviced accommodation Many of our commercial investor clients are moving into serviced accommodation